G Suite for Education

90 million students and educators are using  G Suite for Education

The best educators foster a culture of curiosity .They know that students who ask questions are the ones who grow up to become researchers ,inventors and life-long learners.

The  Google Classroom allows you to create, share and collect  assignments with your students paperless .
Being integrated with other services such as : Gmail , Drive and Google Docs , classroom provides teachers with an intuitive platform pre eminently geared towards enhancing the assignment flow between teachers and students.


[1.] Google for Education.GEG Kenya Teacher Centre .( https://sites.google.com/view/gegkenya/teacher-centre?authuser=0 )

[2.] Educators Technology.Teachers Guide to Creating Assignment in Google Classroom ( https://www.educatorstechnology.com/2019/04/teachers-guide-to-creating-assignment.html )

[ 3.] Google For Education Teacher Center.Digital Citizenship and Safety Course (https://teachercenter.withgoogle.com/advanced_training/preview )

[4.] Google For EducationTeacher Centre: Google for Education Certificate Innovator Program .(https://teachercenter.withgoogle.com/certification_innovator

[5] Google for Education Teacher Center. Level 1 Certification. ( https://teachercenter.withgoogle.com/certification_level1 )

[7.] Google for Education Teacher Center .Level 2 certification .( https://teachercenter.withgoogle.com/certification_level2 )

[8.] Shakeuplearning. 30+ YouTube Channels for Teachers. ( https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/20-youtube-channels-for-educators/ )

[9] Shakeuplearning.The Complete Guide to Google Certifications | FREE EBook Download ( https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/free-ebook-the-complete-guide-to-google-certifications/ )

[10] Shakeuplearning.Google Certified Educator L1 Resources ( https://shakeuplearning.com/google-certified-educator-level-1?ck_subscriber_id=20504028 )

[11] Shakeup learning.Google Certified Educator L2 Resources (  https://shakeuplearning.com/google-certified-educator-level-2?ck_subscriber_id=20504028 )

[12] Shakeup learning.Google Certified Trainer Resources .( https://shakeuplearning.com/google-certified-trainer-resources/?ck_subscriber_id=20504028 )

[13] Google teacher tribe.Webcams in Docs, Slides, Drawings and More! GTT076-Google Teacher Tribe Podcast ( https://googleteachertribe.com/webcams-in-docs-slides-drawings-and-more-gtt076 )

[14] Shakeup learning.Stranger Google: Crazy Tools From the Upside Down! ( https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/stranger-google-crazy-tools-from-the-upside-down/ )

[15] Educators .10 TED Ed Videos for Students .( https://www.educatorstechnology.com/2019/02/10-ted-ed-videos-for-students.html )

[16] Educators technology.5 Good YouTube Channels for Science Teachers and Students .( https://www.educatorstechnology.com/2019/02/5-good-youtube-channels-for-science.html )

[17 ] Shakeup learning.Google Tips for Instructional Coaches and Tech Coaches.( https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/google-tips-for-instructional-coaches-and-tech-coaches/ )

[18]  Google Teacher Tribe Podcast.What G Suite is Capable of with Lissa Brunan- GTT079-Google Teacher Tribe Podcast. ( https://googleteachertribe.com/what-g-suite-is-capable-of-with-lissa-brunan-gtt079 )

[19] Shakeup learning.60+ Awesome Apps that Integrate with Google Classroom! ( https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/20-awesome-apps-that-integrate-with-google-classroom/ )

[20] EDTech.Dynamic Learning Project (  https://dynamiclearningproject.com/strategymenu )

[21] Google for Education.CS First: Teach Computer Science & Coding to kids ( https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/ )

[22] Google for Education.Computer Science ( https://edu.google.com/computer-science/ )

G Suite for Education

Primary Areas of Focus

a.) Google Certified Educator
Prep( L1,L2,Trainer )

i) GCE Level 1

ii) GCE Level 2

iii ) Certified Trainer

v) Administrator

b.) Digital Citizenship & Safety

c.) Search

d.) Google Classroom

e.) Technology Management & Administrative 

f.) Applied Digital Skills

g.) YouTube

h.) Chromebooks

i.) Computer Science

f.) Expeditions

g.) Geo

Google for Education Certified Innovator Program

The Google for Education Certified Innovator Program recognizes and supports top educators around the globe who are using technology to solve meaningful challenges in education.

Become a Certified Innovator and join a community of more than 1,700 passionate educators in over 50 countries who are excited to grow professionally, advocate for innovative technologies and drive school transformation.


- Teachers & school leaders who are Google for Education Level 2 Certified and who are drawn to solve a challenge in the coming year.

2019 Cohorts

Location / Academy Dates / Application Deadline

1. Singapore ( English language only) , Academy Dates ( September 11-13 ,2019 ) , Application Deadline (July 5,2019)

2. New York,United States ( English language only), Academy Dates ( September 11-13 ,2019) , Application Deadline ( August 2,2019)

3. Stockholm, Sweden (English language only) , Academy Dates ( November 6-8 ,2019) Application Deadline ( September 6,2019 )
