JavaScript Coding Workshop : Moringa School

“Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.”
Steve Jobs co-founder Apple in

There’s Never a Bad Time to Learn Programming.

It doesn’t matter who you are or how old you are, programming is a skill that anyone can learn at any point in their life if they are truly determined.

Learning to write code stretches your mind, helps you think better, and creates a way of thinking about things that is helpful in all domains.

What's Coding ?

Code is the language used to instruct computers.The applications in your phone,your internet browser and social networks like Facebook and Instagram are all made with code.

There are different coding languages for building different things .For example,we have HTML to create websites.Java to create mobile applications.Python to run traffic lights ,and so many more.


- Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.

2. CSS

- Cascading style sheet is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML.

3. JavaScript

Scripting language primary used to enhance HTML pages and is commonly found embedded in HTML code.

Where Is JavaScript Used?

- Web Development - JavaScript Frameworks like Angular React and Vue

- AI training - JavaScript framework like TensorFlow

Holiday Boot Camp : SPOC Program

SPOC was created to bring access to high-quality coding content for students, especially those from low-income, public secondary schools, before they move into tertiary education.

8th - 26th , April,2019

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  as from : 2-5 PM.

Moringa PREP

- This is the introduction to Programming Course.It is for beginners to learn the fundamentals of programming or more established developers looking to sharpen their base of front end skills.


[ 1.] UNESCO .Moringa School.Coding Program launched in Kenyan Secondary Schools. ( )

[2.] Moringa .Moringa School.( )

[3.] YouTube.Free Code Camp : Learn JavaScript Full Course for Beginner.( )

[4.] Mozilla. Developer Learn JavaScript.( )

[5.] Mozilla . Developer .web and JavaScript.( )

[6.] Tutorialspoint . JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners ( )

[7.] Stack Overflow.Where Developers Learn,Share,& Build Careers.( )

[8.] W3Schools.Online Web Tutorials.( )

[9.] Facebook.Moringa School.JavaScript Coding Workshop ( )


Founded in April 2014, Moringa School is a world-class career accelerator transforming higher education in Africa, starting with computer science. With a 95% job placement rate, content matched to the job market and a cutting edge teaching methodology, students graduate as top mobile or web developers. Moringa currently offers Moringa Prep (a 5-week, full-time, fundamentals of programming course) and Moringa Core (a 15-week, full-time advanced programming course). Moringa School has been recognized for its high quality and innovative education model by the World Bank, IFC and Financial Times.

Keywords: coding ,HTML , CSS,JavaScript ,Python
