We are excited to announce a new paid teaching fellowship with our partner, Empatico!
Empatico , an initiative of The KIND Foundation, was founded on the belief that all humans share a common humanity, and exists to empower teachers and students to explore the world through experiences that spark curiosity, kindness, and empathy. Empatico is a free platform that automates matching between partner classrooms and combines live video with activities designed to foster meaningful connections among students.
If you are available to be part of an online learning community, participate in four virtual experiences on the Empatico platform with your students, share your experience with peers, and complete the teacher and student pre/post surveys then you will receive *$500 USD*
Am I eligible to apply?
Teachers from any country, any subject and any school may apply. However, there are five requirements that have to be met for you to be considered.
. Your students are aged 6 -11 years old.
.Your students are new to learning about the Global Goals
. You and your students can speak in conversational English.
.You and your class have access to the internet & webcam.
. You can receive an international bank transfer
When is the application deadline?
The deadline for application forms is the *12th April 2019.
1. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQmOnluu1_oGzCbqDM8KlLyc09hCeCciA0FIUW9toAzgLGSw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1
2. http://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/worlds-largest-lesson-empatico-fellowship/
Tags: GlobalGoals ,WorldLargestLesson , EmpaticoFellow
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