Learning About Robotics: Examples and Discussions for K–8 and Beyond

The fascinating field of robotics is a powerful tool for sparking young people’s interest in STEM careers. Both presenters—Rich Mahoney and Graham Ryland—were inspired to pursue careers in  STEM at a young age and are now working on the next generation of robotics in Silicon Valley. This  edWebinar will offer a short historical review of the field, links to free resources for teachers to draw on when introducing the subject of robotics, and provide real world stories and examples from the industry today that can be shared in the classroom to make the subject more relatable and authentic.
Elementary and early middle school are critical times, especially for girls, to spark a passion for STEM that will help sustain them through the rigor of a technical education. Viewers will walk away with unique ways to leverage the attention-grabbing power of robotics and ignite critical thinking towards engaging students. This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to elementary and middle school teachers.
Tags: robotics,STEAM ,SHTEAM ,webinar 
