Is artificial intelligence the future of education?

Artificial Intelligence &  Education

Artificial Intelligence in education ,while the debate regarding how much screen time is appropriate for children rages on among educators, psychologists, and parents, it’s another emerging technology in the form of artificial intelligence and machine learning that is beginning to alter education tools and institutions and changing what the future might look like in education. It is expected that artificial intelligence in U.S. education will grow by 47.5% from 2017-2021 according to the Artificial Intelligence Market in the US Education Sector report. Even though most experts believe the critical presence of teachers is irreplaceable, there will be many changes to a teacher’s job and to educational best practices.

Artificial_intelligence and education  refers to a research community that is interested in the intersection of artificial intelligence research, learning and education.


1. Is artificial intelligence the future of education?

2. Applications of artificial intelligence

3. Alexa, Siri, and Google Don’t Understand a Word You Say

4. 7 predictions for artificial intelligence in 2019

5. Analysis: IBM CEO Declares Chapter 2 of Cloud and AI at IBM Think 2019

6. How to choose effective courses for machine learning and data science


Keywords: artificial intelligence,machine learning ,education,tech 
