Here are this week's five links that are worth your time:
1. Learn web design with this free 83-part course on CSS3, Flexbox, and CSS grid (90 minute watch): /9imhu7kNY
2. If you want to understand how Node.js really works, here's how to build a Node.js app without any external packages or libraries (10 minute read): https://medium.freecodecamp.or g/a7b480b966d2
3. Try this crash course on Brain.js, the JavaScript machine learning tool for creating your own neural networks (8 minute read): https://medium.freecodecamp.or g/ea801f378041
4. Here's a list of 720 free online university programming and computer science courses you can start in January (browsable list): https://medium.freecodecamp.or g/96988eb0c52f
5. How Patrick got a paid internship as a developer after spending a few hours each day learning to code using freeCodeCamp (3 minute read): orum/t/247222
This week's quote: "The question of whether computers can think is like the question of whether submarines can swim." - Edsger Dijkstra
A huge thanks to the 4,040 supporters who donate to our nonprofit each month. You make all of this possible. If you're not donating yet, please consider doing so: https://donate.freecodecamp.or g/?r=e
Happy coding!
- Quincy Larson
Teacher at
Tags: computing,freecode,coding,HTML CSS,web design
1. Learn web design with this free 83-part course on CSS3, Flexbox, and CSS grid (90 minute watch):
2. If you want to understand how Node.js really works, here's how to build a Node.js app without any external packages or libraries (10 minute read): https://medium.freecodecamp.or
3. Try this crash course on Brain.js, the JavaScript machine learning tool for creating your own neural networks (8 minute read): https://medium.freecodecamp.or
4. Here's a list of 720 free online university programming and computer science courses you can start in January (browsable list): https://medium.freecodecamp.or
5. How Patrick got a paid internship as a developer after spending a few hours each day learning to code using freeCodeCamp (3 minute read):
This week's quote: "The question of whether computers can think is like the question of whether submarines can swim." - Edsger Dijkstra
A huge thanks to the 4,040 supporters who donate to our nonprofit each month. You make all of this possible. If you're not donating yet, please consider doing so: https://donate.freecodecamp.or
Happy coding!
- Quincy Larson
Teacher at
Tags: computing,freecode,coding,HTML CSS,web design
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