Scratch 3.0 is here !
Over the past decade,millions of kids around the world have used Scatch to code their own interactive games,stories,animations,and more.This outpouring of creativity inspires us to continue to extend and improve Scratch,so that kids everywhere have new opportunities to express themselves creatively with new opportunities to express themselves with new technologies.
What is Scratch 3.0 ?
Scratch 3.0 is the latest generation of Scratch,launched on January 2,2019.It is designed to expand how ,what,and were you can create with Scratch.It includes dozens sprites , a totally new sound editor,and many new programming blocks.And with Scratch 3.o,you're able to create and play projects on your tablet,in addition to your laptop or desktop computer.
1. Scratch .Scratch 3.0 ( cid=485c4a3b88&mc_eid= 605be3151d )
2. Scratch. Ideas Section ( mc_cid=485c4a3b88&mc_eid= 605be3151d _
3. Medium. Scratch 3.0. Introducing Scratch 3.0:Expanding the Creative Possibilities of Coding ( scratchteam-blog/introducing- scratch-3-0-expanding-the- creative-possibilities-of- coding-ad4cd9eda9ef?mc_cid= 485c4a3b88&mc_eid=605be3151d )
4. scratch. Scratch FAQ ( info/faq/?mc_cid=485c4a3b88& mc_eid=605be3151d#scratch3 )
Tags: computing,coding,scratch,education
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