Wish You A Merry Xmas & Happy New Year
What do you give a geek for Christmas ? Well, that's an easy one to answer: tech gifts, of course!
Visiting the Deepmind Headquarters.My AlphaZero Challenge.....https://t.co/ VOnZmU4FWp
Wishing you all a joyous holiday and a happy new year 

InterCommunity 2018 - Thank you! Merci! Gracias!Asante ! Danke
1.Lifehacker . Top-10-Free- Alternatives to Expensive Software ( https://lifehacker.com/top-10- free-alternatives-to- expensive-software-1791300629 )
2. How to Geek.The Complete Guide to Giving Better Family Tech Support. ( https://www.howtogeek.com/ 285361/the-complete-guide-to- giving-better-family-tech- support/ )
3. SoundCloud. Elly Nguyen.Best Christmas Carols ( https://m.soundcloud.com/elly- nguyen-5/best-christmas- carols-2014 )
4. Helo App. Christmas Card Delivery pass it on to all your loved ones Please Send it Back To Me Thanks. ( https://goo.gl/ExYbXW )
5. 28 Christmas Movies You Can Watch on YouTube ( https://www.lifewire.com/ watch-christmas-movies-on- youtube-3486071 )
6.Digital Trends.Netflix .Home theatre best movies. ( https://www.digitaltrends.com/ home-theater/best-movies-on- netflix/ )
7. The Spruceceets.The More,the Merrier When It Comes to Our Best Christmas Desserts. ( https://www.thespruceeats.com/ best-christmas-dessert- recipes-4173623 )
8. TED .TED & TEDx talks to watch over Christmas - Owen's Blog ( https://blog.owenfitzpatrick. com/23-ted-tedx-talks-watch- christmas/ )
9. Google.fredsagweblogspot. Chess Kid Curriculum ( https://fredsagwe.blogspot. com/2018/12/chess-kid- curriculum.html )
10. LifeWire. The Best Places to Listen to Free Streaming Christmas Music Online. ( https://www.lifewire.com/free- streaming-christmas-music- 1356270 )
11. INC.These Are the 7 Best Podcasts of 2018,Bar None. ( https://www.inc.com/geoffrey- james/these-are-7-best- podcasts-of-2018-bar-none.html )
12. United Nations .Global Goals.Sustainable Development. ( https://www.un.org/ sustainabledevelopment/ )
13. United Nations. Frieda-The Universal Message of the Sustainable Development Goals. ( https://www.un.org/ sustainabledevelopment/blog/ 2018/12/frieda-the-universal- message-of-the-sustainable- development-goals/ )
14. Microsoft.Education blog.Skype Classroom - Sustainable Development Goals-Curriculum ( https://educationblog. microsoft.com/2017/10/skype- classroom-sustainable- development-goals-curriculum/# T5XibwDVjXQwjKPb.99 )
15. Google.Computational Thinking for Educators- Course ( https:// computationalthinkingcourse. withgoogle.com/course?use_ last_location=true )
16. Lifehacker. How to score free food drinks and amenities at hotels. ( https://lifehacker.com/how-to- score-free-food-drinks-and- amenities-at-hotels-1831103811 )
17. VeryWell Mind. 70 Highly Effective Ways to Relieve Stress ( https://www.verywellmind.com/ tips-to-reduce-stress-3145195 )
18.VeryWell. How Much Screen Time is Really OK for kids.
19.Coding Infinite.Here Are The Ten Best Programming Languages to learn in 2019.( https://codinginfinite.com/ best-programming-languages-to- learn-2019/ )
20. Torerance.Roots of Digital Literacy. ( https://www.tolerance.org/ podcasts/the-mind-online/ roots-of-digital-literacy )
21. Empatico.Emphathy Project Fellowship. - Interview With Jennifer Williams and Brad Spirrison. ( http://www.tltalkradio.org/ season-5-episode-15-empatico- empathy-project-fellowship- interview-with-jennifer- williams-and-brad-spirrison- podcast/ )
23. The Guardian.Creative AlphaZero leads way for chess computers and ,maybe, science. ( https://www.theguardian.com/ sport/2018/dec/11/creative- alphazero-leads-way-chess- computers-science )
24.Deepmind. AlphaZero Resources|DeepMind ( https://deepmind.com/research/ alphago/alphazero-resources/ )
25. US Go.Top Ten Reasons To Play Go | American Go Association. ( http://www.usgo.org/top-ten- reasons-play-go )
26. Big Data Made Simple.Introduction to blockchain technology and what it means to big data. ( https://bigdata-madesimple. com/introduction-to- blockchain-technology-and- what-it-means-to-big-data/ )
27. Lifehacker.Use this ai tool to quickly remove the background in .( https://lifehacker.com/use- this-ai-tool-to-quickly- remove-the-background-in-im- 1831287994 )
28.Medium .A Guide to Becoming a Full-Stack Developer in 2017-Coderbyte- Medium ( https://medium.com/coderbyte/ a-guide-to-becoming-a-full- stack-developer-in-2017- 5c3c08a1600c )
29. Google.Android codelab courses are here. ( https://android-developers. googleblog.com/2018/12/ android-codelab-courses-are- here.html?m=1 )
30.Microsoft.Education courses and resources. ( https://education.microsoft. com/courses-and-resources/ courses/minecraft-and-steam? ocid=FY19STEM_soc_omc_edu_tw_ 1207A )
31. 15 Great Arduino Projects for Beginners. ( https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ 10-great-arduino-projects-for- beginners/ )
32. Raspberry Pi. Online - Raspberry Pi. ( https://www.raspberrypi.org/ training/online/ )
33. BBC Micro:bit Education Foundation (http://microbit.org/ )
34. 3DBear AR- Explore learning with AR and 3D printing ( https://3dbear.io/ )
35. WinX DVD Ripper Platinum Giveaway - Serial Code,License Key ( https://www.winxdvd.com/event/ dvd-ripper.htm?htg )
36.Daily Nation.Housekeeping tips for your digital assets.( https://www.nation.co.ke/oped/ opinion/Housekeeping-tips-for- your-digital-assets/440808- 4906772-oui26pz/index.html )
37. Balance .Here Are 7 Apps That you Can Use to Start a Side Hustle. ( https://www.thebalancesmb.com/ apps-to-start-side-hustle- 4134658 )
38. Windows Club. Bypass Login Screen and automatically log in to Windows 10. ( https://www.thewindowsclub. com/log-in-directly-into- windows-7-without-entering- password )
39. Big Data.Made Simple .Top 9 database management systems for Joomla templates .( https://bigdata-madesimple. com/top-9-database-management- systems-for-joomlas-templates/ )
40. House of Bots .New Programming Language Which Might Enhance Your Skills in Future. ( https://www.houseofbots.com/ news-detail/4342-1-2019-new- programming-language-%20which- might-enhance-your-skills-in- future )
41.Makeuse.Things to Know Before Buying a Wi-Fi Router for your Home. ( https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ what-you-need-to-know-when- buying-a-wifi-router-for-your- home/?utm_source=whatsapp&utm_ campaign=sharebar )
42. MIT.Open CourseWare| Free Online Course Materials . (https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm )
43. Medium. Try the Scratch 3.0 Beta today! - The Scratch Team Blog- Medium ( https://medium.com/ scratchteam-blog/try-the- scratch-3-0-beta-today- b50a05d63348 )
44. Scratch.Scratch Resource Developers. ( https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/e/1FAIpQLSe1bglG- IQt4pg1Mw98CPZ7XhgbjLvim3J7oR2 e79gYnvA0PA/viewform )
45. Machine Learning Mastery.How to Get Started with Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting ( 7-Day Mini-Course)- ( https:// machinelearningmastery.com/ how-to-get-started-with-deep- learning-for-time-series- forecasting-7-day-mini-course/ )
46.Olive.Olivevideoeditor. Professional Open-Source Video Editor ( https://www.olivevideoeditor. org/download.php )
47.Investopedia.12 things you need to know about financial statements. ( https://www.investopedia.com/ articles/basics/06/ financialreporting.asp )
48. Data Science Central.How to become a data engineer a guide. ( https://www. datasciencecentral.com/ profiles/blogs/how-to-become- a-data-engineer-a-guide )
49. Sound Cloud. It's beginning to look a lot like christmas ( https://m.soundcloud.com/user- 770998279/its-beginning-to- look-a-lot-like-christmas )
50.Digital Trends.Digital Trends 2018 Holiday Gift Guide ( https://www.digitaltrends.com/ gift-guide/holiday-2018/ )
51. Smart data Collective. Is AI Automated Coding the Next Era of Programming. ( https://www. smartdatacollective.com/is-ai- automated-coding-next-era-of- programming/ )
52. Lifewire.ids and prevention ips software. ( https://www.lifewire.com/ids- and-prevention-ips-software- 2487316 )
53.Google.Google for Education. Google Docs Tips| Learning Center | G Suite ( https://gsuite.google.com/ learning-center/tips/docs/ )
54. Coursera.Developing APIs with Google's Cloud's Apogee API Platform| Coursera ( https://www.coursera.org/ specializations/apigee-api-gcp )
55. Elite Data Science.Data Science and Machine Learning Primer | Elite Data Science ( https://elitedatascience.com/ primer )
56.Flipgrid.Your Complete Guide to Using Flipgrid . ( https://docs.google.com/ document/d/1CgHzd42O- 8BxiIbfoV1VaDQCj4Elea1D5A8x7N0 NKZA/mobilebasic )
57.Hackernoon.10 Machine Learning,Data Science,and Deep Learning Courses for Programmers ( https://hackernoon.com/10- machine-learning-data-science- and-deep-learning-courses-for- programmers-7edc56078cde )
58.Forbes.CES 2019 Trends To Watch -5 Predictions Everyone Should Read. ( https://www.forbes.com/sites/ bernardmarr/2018/12/24/ces- 2019-trends-to-watch-5- predictions-everyone-should- read/ )
59.Windows Club.Best Computer and Laptop cleaning kits available on Amazon. ( https://www.thewindowsclub. com/laptop-cleaning-kits )
60.Windows Club.Try the new Chromium - based Edge browser first; Sign up here ( https://news.thewindowsclub. com/try-the-new-chromium- based-edge-browser-first-sign- up-here-94029/ )
61.Make Use of .What Happens When You Quit Social Media ? 6 Things I Learned. ( https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ what-happens-when-you-quit- social-media-i-found-out/ )
62.Chess 24.Team Magnus on the Carlsen-Caruana match.( https://chess24.com/en/read/ news/team-magnus-on-the- carlsen-caruana-match )
63. Make Use Of.The 15 Funniest Websites for the Best Humor on the Web .( https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ 15-funniest-websites-best- humor-web/ )
64.Google.App Script .Google Developers
65. What to know Before Making a Career Change at 40.
65. What to know Before Making a Career Change at 40.
https://www.thebalancecareers. com/career-change-at-40- 4152909
66.LearnCloud. Introduction to computer networks https://learncloud.rumie.org/content/view/7114/introduction-to-computer-networks )
67.Medium.Free Code Camp. Want to learn neural networks https://medium.freecodecamp.org/want-to-learn-neural-networks-heres-a-free-brain-js-course-merry-christmas-ea801f378041
68. Hackaday.Machine Learning on tiny platforms like Raspberry Pi and Aduino.
69. Want excellent free coding tutorials? Subscribe to these YouTube channelsoding-tutorials-subscribe-to-these-youtube-channels-b91f154db543
66.LearnCloud. Introduction to computer networks https://learncloud.rumie.org/content/view/7114/introduction-to-computer-networks )
67.Medium.Free Code Camp. Want to learn neural networks https://medium.freecodecamp.org/want-to-learn-neural-networks-heres-a-free-brain-js-course-merry-christmas-ea801f378041
68. Hackaday.Machine Learning on tiny platforms like Raspberry Pi and Aduino.
69. Want excellent free coding tutorials? Subscribe to these YouTube channelsoding-tutorials-subscribe-to-these-youtube-channels-b91f154db543
Tags: holiday, xmas, new year,Christmas.carols,lifehacker,tech,geek , computer science,digital literacy,digital citizenship,social media,screen time,data science ,artificial intelligence,machine learning ,deep learning .security,blockchain,TED, ,TED Talks,Scratch ,Netflix,UN,UNESCO Kenya,TeachSDGs ,SDGs,Microsoft, .Google,Linux ,Flipgrid,Flipgrid Fever,Empatico,MOOCs,podcasts ,YouTube, ,chess,Go,shogi,Global Goals
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