Digital Citizenship Summit Kenya

Digital Citizenship Summit Kenya


5 Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 years

"Hey dudes,I'm organizing a viral Pinterest on Tweeter and YouTube."
- Lenny Wozniak.

Media literacy is the ability to access, share, critically evaluate, create and participate in the media. These competencies are considered to be key 21st century skills.

- Students learn that their online presence is like a resume that can help them -or- hurt them-in their future personal and professional lives.

"You are or become those things which you repeatedly do." -Albert  Einstein

 Cyberbullying:  Develop Logical Consequences

- We have all heard the statement: “the punishment should fit the crime.” This is especially true when it comes to discipline for bullying. If, for example, your child was using her computer or cell phone to cyberbully others, then a logical consequence would be a loss of computer privileges and cell phone use.

As Mahatma Gandhi once said 'You have to become the change you want to see.' That, to me, is the rule of the game. If you want to change who you are, just change.

Social Media  & on-line Reputation

- Most people treat their social media accounts as purely social outlets, casually updating statuses and posting photos with little expectation of scrutiny from friends or followers.

 The idea that these actions could seriously limit educational or professional prospects rarely impedes sharing. Unfortunately, it should.

Checking up on applicants’ social media profiles is becoming routine for many employers and admissions offices around the country. Recruiters say social media helps them gain a more comprehensive picture of a candidate than a simple resume and cover letter.

 Depending on how they view what they find, an applicant’s web presence can make or break an offer. This is especially true for students or recent graduates lacking a detailed job history to support their application.

The saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. If you’re not paying, you’re the food. Facebook sells its users to advertisers. That’s where it makes its billions. Its users have been feasted on for a decade now, in an unregulated and unsupported environment. Its users, who have not been given any training in media literacy, have not been paying attention. They have become food for corporations and political think tanks.

The media literacy community is banging its head on its desk right now. This really could have been avoided with just a little bit of regulation and even more media literacy education. Empowered, informed consumers make for responsible producers.

- Europe is now covered by the world's strongest data protection rules. The mutually agreed General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on May 25, 2018, and was designed to modernise laws that protect the personal information of individuals.

UNESCO MIL CLICKS is away for people to acquire media and information literacy (MIL) competencies in their normal day-to-day use of Internet and social media and to engage in peer education in atmosphere of browsing , playing ,connecting , sharing ,and socializing.

"Stop telling kids to learn to code AI will take the coding jobs faster than you can think .
Teach kids to think ,to create,to use tech well,to think critically about ethics,values and Institutions .They"ll be amazing engineers or whatever else they a to be."

Dex Torricke-Barton
@Dex Barton

- Now that you understand the importance of your online reputation , review our guide and take controls of it.

[2] Digital Institute: Digital Citizenship Summit: ( )

[3] Google.A Helpful Google Resources to Teach Kids about Digital Citizenship: ( )

[4] Educators Technology.Google.A Free Google-designed Digital Citizenship Course for Teachers:

[5] Forbes.5 Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 years.( )

[6] Standard.Probe on student's vile video insulting CSs Amina and Matiang'i begins: ( )

[7] Twitter.You can now control your child's online activities.(

[8] Africa Check.Don't for Kenyan census jobs scams| Africa Check. ( )

[9] Very Well Family.How to Correct Your Child for Bullying Others: ( )

[10] Motherboard.Motherboard Guide Not Getting Hacked. (

[11] BAKE.CyberCrimes Law.( )

[12] Very Well Mind.9 Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence.(
ence-2795958 )

[13] Cybrary.Passwords Aren't Enough: History of Passwords,Malware and More-Cybrary .( )

[14] Best College. Manage your online reputation: ( )

[15] Eqapplied.How to Use Emotional Intelligence to Deal With Anger. ( )

[16] UNESCO MILCLICKS.Athabascau: e-Lab Courses.( )

[17] SDGs.ChesSDGs, Digital Citizenship As a Catalyst for Peace Education & Culture: A UNESCO Primer:( )

[18] Dlearn.Digital Footprint awareness.( )

[19] Australia gov.Stay smart online .( )

[20 ] Washington Post.Review | live with Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri.Here's which one you should pick...( )

[21] Blogspot.Most important chat ,text: ( )

[22] Wikipedia.General Data Protection Regulation. ( )

[23] Goalcast.How Emotionally Intelligent People handle Toxic People: ( )

[24] Make use.Password Manager: ( )

Tags: UN,UNESCO,UNESCOMILCLICKS ,UNESCOKenya,education,tech ,GlobalGoals ,SDGs,sdg4,21stcenturyskills,internet ethics ,digital literacy, digitalcitizenship,medialiteracy, ,social media,digital footprint,curr curric vitae,CV,resume,online resume, privacy,data ,GDPR,security,cybersecurity,cyberattacks,cybercrimes,cyber diplomacy,cyberbully,Cyber Security Awareness,hacking,hacker,white hacker ,black hacker,grey hacker,passwords ,password manager, malware, encryption,fake news ,hate speech, ethics,message,SMS,chat,email,blog ,etiquette,scam,phising,emphaty,spark emphaty,  2019 Empathy Project Fellowship,emotional intelligence, chess,Chess Kenya,Microsoft, ,Google ,Apple,Facebook,Twitter,Google+ ,LinkedIn ,WhatsApp,Telegram,Snapchat, ,Instagram,Pinterest,Word Press, YouTube, ,Vimeo,Blogger,darknet,deep web,physical web, ,chrome ,Mozilla firefox, edge,duckduckgo,tor ,virtual private network,Freedom of Expression, ,STEM,STEAM,SHTEAM,MOOCs,coding ,artificial intelligence,ai,Future of Work

"Rather than being cowed by uncertainty , entrepreneurs see the opportunity these circumstances represent."
--David Gawn

Vice-President , Imperial College London.

©Digital Citizenship Summit Kenya 2018

