TED Application TED2018 & TED2019 Fellowship August 26,2018 11:59 p.m UTC
Ideas worth spreading
Today's Tech Trivia
"Vision without action is just a dream ,action without vision just passes,the time,and vision with action can change the world."
~ Nelson Mandela ~
former South African President & Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
#NelsonMandela's100th birthday.!!
former South African President & Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
#NelsonMandela's100th birthday.!!
Dive Deeper
1.) TED (Conference LLC)
-TED Conference LLc is a media organization that posts talks online for free distribution. Under the slogan "ideas worth spreading" TED was found in February 1984 as a conference which has been held annually since 1990..
2.) TED Talks
- TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education , business , science, tech, and creativity with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream.
3.) TED Fellow
- The TED Fellow program provides transformational support to a global community of 450+ Innovators who are collaborators across disciplines to spark positive change around the world.TED Fellow sign up
4.) TEDx Program
- TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading".... The TEDx program is designed to help communities ,organizations and individuals to spark conversation and connection through TED-like experiences .Based on the format of TED Talks ,it supports independent organizers who want to create a TED-like event in their own community.
5.) TEDxYouth
- TEDxYouth events happen all year round in schools and local communities.Once a year ,the TEDx community celebrates young people by holding local events as part of our TEDxYouth initiative .These events are designed to empower and inspire young people.
6.) TED-Ed Lessons
TED Ed lessons worth sharing .
-Use engaging videos on TED-Ed to create customised lessons .You can use ,tweak ,or completely redo any lesson featured in TED-Ed..
-Build a lesson around any TED-Ed original ,TED Talks or YouTube video.
-Use engaging videos on TED-Ed to create customised lessons .You can use ,tweak ,or completely redo any lesson featured in TED-Ed..
-Build a lesson around any TED-Ed original ,TED Talks or YouTube video.
7.) TED-Ed Innovative Educator Program
- The TED-Ed Innovative Educator program is a year-long professional development for educators.
8.) TED-Ed Clubs
- The TED Student Ideas program supports students in discussing, exploring and presenting big ideas in the form of short ,TED-style talks.
9.) TED Masterclass
-TED Masterclass is an online course designed to help professionals share their best ideas with each other and the world.
-This online course is in beta testing mode which is a collaboration between ISTE & TED.If interested to join & you're a member of ISTE please use the access code ISTE2018
-This online course is in beta testing mode which is a collaboration between ISTE & TED.If interested to join & you're a member of ISTE please use the access code ISTE2018
10.) International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
- International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is a non profit organization that serves educators interested in education .ISTE serves more than 100,000 educational stakeholders throughout the world.Individual and organizational membership support service.
Further Reading
1.TED:TED Talk. How Africa can use its traditional knowledge to make progress.(https://codeclubkenya. blogspot.com/2018/07/how- africa-can-use-its- traditional.html?m=1)
2.TED: TED-Ed Clubs Blog..Announcing TED-Ed Clubs,for any student interested in learning to give a TED talk (https://blog.ted.com/ introducing-ted-ed-clubs/)
3.TED:TED-Ed Clubs Applications: Ideas worth spreading.(https://ed.ted.com/clubs/ applications/new )
4.TED:TED-Ed Lessons. Lessons Worth Sharing (https://ed.ted.com/)
5.TED: TED Talks. Ideas worth spreading (https://www.ted.com/)
6.TED:TEDx. TEDx Program (https://www.ted.com/about/ programs-initiatives/tedx- program )
7.TED: TED Clubs. Start a TED-Ed Club today (https://youtu.be/Qj_OzmP8iWg )
8.TED.TED Conference.(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/ wiki/TED_(conference)
9.ISTE.International Society for Technology in Education.
(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/ wiki/International_Society_ for_Technology_in_Education)
10.TED Masterclass. Professional learning Redefined.(https:// masterclass.ted.com/#request- invitation)
11.TED .TED-Ed Innovative Educator. Apply to be a TED-Ed Innovative Educator
Change Is An Opportunity To Do Something Amazing.. #INNOVATORSMINDSET
TED-Ed Innovative Educator 2016 & TED Attendee...
TED Attendee
TED Attendee
Tags|TED,TED Talk,TEDx,TED-Ed,TED Clubs,TED-Ed Lessons, TED Masterclass, ISTE
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