JavaScript :Interactive Front-End Development for Beginners

JavaScript has become an essential web technology along with HTML and CSS, as most browsers implement JavaScript. Thus, You must learn JavaScript if you want to get into web development, and you must learn it well if you're planning on being a front-end developer or on using JavaScript for backend development.
Furthermore, JavaScript usage has now extended to mobile app development, desktop app development, and game development. All in all, it has exploded in popularity and is now a very useful skill to learn.
What makes JavaScript important?
Here are five reasons:
  • It’s everywhere. It’s seen adoption from large companies (think: LinkedIn, Google, Netflix) that not only decided to use JavaScript, but to rewrite their entire applications using it. This isn’t a tiny investment. It displays a great deal of trust and faith in a language to choose the risk of rewriting an application over using an existing one. These risks are being taken by industry giants, and for good reason.
  • It’s flexible. It’s not just a front-end language. As a back-end language, JavaScript provides great scalability and performance because of its event-driven architecture, more so than many of its competitors from various languages. It also allows for a seamless transition for developers from the back end to make edits on the front end. JavaScript’s adaptability is something that draws more and more people each year. It can provide you with great interactions on the front end, asynchronous operations, and is not bound to any browser or operating system. Its possibilities are endless due to this dynamic and adaptable nature.
  • It’s easy to learn. With the only requirements being a text editor and a browser, anyone can start learning JavaScript. And while learning JavaScript, you’ll interact with HTML and CSS, which are the building blocks of any website.
  • Its community. Because of its popularity, the JavaScript community is heavily populated with experts, novices and resources. New ideas and libraries spring up daily to fix new problems, improve fixes of existing problems or introduce new methods. The community is constantly innovating, and through this JavaScript evolves.
  • It’s in demand. If you want to be a programmer, you need to learn JavaScript. Because it’s so widely used, you will be hard-pressed to find a job listing for a developer that does not require it. It’s the de facto language of the web, other than HTML/CSS of course.
What are the requirements?
  • Chrome Browser
  • Text Editor
What am I going to get from this course?
  • Learn JavaScript Syntax
  • Learn How to Manipulate the DOM with JavaScript
What is the target audience?
  • Beginner Wanting to Learn JavaScript Syntax
  • Beginner Looking to Apply JavaScript to a Webpage

JavaScript:Interactive Front-End Development for Beginners

Tags: JavaScript,Front-End Development,Back-End Development,HTML/CSS,Chrome Browser,Text Editor,Udemy


  1. Algorithm: Create a function that accepts an array and returns the last item in the array. Examples [1, 2, 3] ➞ 3 ['cat', 'dog', 'duck'] ➞ 'duck' [true, false, true] ➞ true

  2. Algorithm : Create a function that takes a number as its only argument and returns true if it's less than or equal to zero, otherwise return false. 5 ➞ false 0 ➞ true -2 ➞ true 1 ➞ false


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