Chess Opening TRICK to Fool Your Opponent: Tennison Gambit - Strategy


  1. Openings are the most exciting phase in the game of chess. There are various chess strategies, tactics, tips, tricks, ideas, traps, gambits & opening moves that you can use to fool your opponent & win more chess games. In this video, I share a secret opening trick that white can use to trap the black queen. This opening trick involves the use of knight, bishop, pawn & white queen. This trick is popularly known as the Tennison Gambit. A gambit is basically a chess opening strategy in which a player sacrifices his material of lesser value, like a pawn, with the hope of achieving an advantageous position. It’s like a chess trick to fool your opponent. The Tennison Gambit is a popular response to the Scandinavian Defense. These opening moves will definitely surprise your opponent. You just need to follow these starting moves & you can easily trap and capture the black queen. This chess opening trick will help you to win fast.


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