Mobile learning offers unique opportunities for teaching and learning because it harnesses the capabilities of portable computing devices (such as laptops, tablets and smartphones) to increase flexibility and interaction within the classroom and extend learning and problem-solving beyond the classroom. This course will unravel the term “mobile learning," explain the classroom implications and provide dynamic activities to help you determine next steps for advancing your mobile learning initiative. Course content is developed around the ISTE Standards and Essential Conditions to support a thorough evaluation of your implementation site. Engaging activities will provide you with a wellspring of information and ideas to ensure your mobile learning initiative is successful.
Mobile learning offers unique opportunities for teaching and learning because it harnesses the capabilities of portable computing devices (such as laptops, tablets and smartphones) to increase flexibility and interaction within the classroom and extend learning and problem-solving beyond the classroom. This course will unravel the term “mobile learning," explain the classroom implications and provide dynamic activities to help you determine next steps for advancing your mobile learning initiative. Course content is developed around the ISTE Standards and Essential Conditions to support a thorough evaluation of your implementation site. Engaging activities will provide you with a wellspring of information and ideas to ensure your mobile learning initiative is successful.