Growing CS professional development worldwide through CS4HS in 2016

#CS4All starts with our teachers We believe that it’s not only important for our students to be creators of new technology, but for our teachers to have the opportunity to be innovators and out-of-the-box thinkers as well. For the 2016/2017 school year, we are increasing our investment in CS teacher professional development by funding 34 institutions in the US and many others programs worldwide President Obama's Computer Science for All (#CSforAll) announcement in early 2016 emphasized that “we live in a time of extraordinary change.” Computer science (CS) education is being recognized at the federal level as a catalyst for future success. Last month, we joined an open letter to Congress, a request for national funding that would give every student across the U.S the opportunity to learn computer science. The movement to provide quality CS programs is gaining momentum, and Google is proud to be part of the community working toward that goal.




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