Steve Jobs once said: “I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.” If you are a regular reader of fossBytes, you might have learned that we are huge advocates of the learn to code movement as it offers you the countless opportunities to learn multiple skills.
We often receive questions from the people asking which language is perfect for them. In the past, we have tried to answer a similar question – Which programming language you should learn first? Along the similar lines, in this article, I’ll be telling you the perfect programming language that you need to learn right now depending upon your needs and ideas.
There are countless resources on the web and fossBytes Store, that you can utilize and learn different skills. But, which language will fulfill your needs and boost your career. Depending upon what you wish to achieve by learning a language, I’m going to tell you about the capabilities of various programming languages.
So, let’s see which programming language is perfect for you: