Why I read a book a day (and why you should too): the law of 33% | Tai L...


  1. Mentors -your ability to copy is the biggest predictor of the success that you will have in life.As Picasso said.“Good artists copy, but great artists steal."Did you know that Albert Einstein had a mentor? Every Thursday, he would have lunch with a mentor growing up, Jay-Z, the rapper, he had a mentor.Oprah Winfrey said she had two mentors.Gandhi had a mentor. Alexander the Great had Aristotle, Bill Gates had Paul Allen .Warren Buffet had Benjamin Graham.
    The fist rule I call it the Mentor Rules. It’s the Law of 33% .You should divide up your life and spends 33% of your time around people lower than you. You can mentor and help them. And they'll help you back by making you feel good about yourself. It’s good to know somebody doing worse than you. That’s 30%, and then you have 33% of people that are on your level. These become your friends, your peers .But that last 33% is what most people forget about.
    If you want to learn to grow a $1 million company, you have to find somebody who has a $10 million company. Don’t be afraid to go to the top. In-person mentors are amazing .And you can get people like Warren Buffet; Bill Gates.You'd be surprised because people remember. They remember their struggle, and they reach out and help you, too.Remember, everybody wants the good life. But not everybody's willing to follow these rules. Next, humility. You have to be humble.Next,perseverance.The media has tricked us. That only show us the success at the end, but Bill Gates started at 12.It wasn't until 31 years old that he was a billionaire. He said from age 20 to 30, he never took a day off/Not even one. You must persevere, and in your search for mentors you must persevere, as well.
    Next, Books. Books you should see as hidden treasure. Think about it, mentors are great in person, but some of the great mentors are no longer alive.
    Shakespeare, Darwin, Freud, Mahatma Gandhi. They are there in my house!!They’re on my library. They can be in your library, too. It’s because the modern education education system has turned people off from books. You have to rewire your brain.But sometimes, books only have one or two things worth reading a week, because remembers, everybody wants the good life, but not everybody's willing to read to get it. You must read more.
    And lastly, stoic versus epicurean."A nation is born stoic and dies epicurean.""Stoics were people willing to sacrifice present pleasure for something better later. You could say they were investors. Epicureans live for now. They were consumers. They said, “You only live once."That's a saying, “If you're in a room and you know the sucker is, you’re thee sucker."You never want to be a sucker. Guess what the media wants to do. They bombard you. We see on average 2,000 ads a day. They’re trying to sell you something. Luxury comes at the cost of killing your hopes, your dreams, and your ambitions.
    So toughen up a little bit. Be stoic. When was the last time you went a week without eating sugar? Or walked instead of taking a car to get groceries? Or did 100 push-upshots turned the air conditioning off? Toughen yourself uptake a cold shower.
    Everybody wants to lead a good life but not everybody toughens up to get the good life. You must toughen up."Love your life. Perfect your life. Beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people."Mentors will help you do that.
    They are the shortcut that you want. You don't want to do it the hard way. Find a mentor, no matter if you're already experienced. There’s always someone to learn from. You must follow those rules. Be humble, .Persevere. Read more. Toughen up.Remember; it’s going to be a little bit hard. The hard is what makes it great."If you do these things, you will find the good life!!!


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