Why does computer science matter?

Computer science
It teaches you how to think!With computer science,students use critical-thinking skills and learn how to be patient-an important trait to have on this day and age.Students also integrate math,which is authentic and purposeful learning.Younger students(actually,older students as well)learn cardinal directions.They bring everything they're learning-from math,science,language and arts-into computer science.


"Children who learn to code at a young age through Scatchjr learn to engage in problem-solving and develop skills that are important building blocks for future academic growth."

"We see coding as a new way for people to organize,express and share their ideas,"said MItchel Resnick,LEGO Papert Professor of Learning,Research and Director of the Scratch Team at the MIT Media'Lab."Coding is not just a set of  technical skills,but a new type of literacy and personal expression,valuable for everyone,much like learning to write."

"Coding an important 21-century literacy."
"Coding is becoming as fundamental as the three Rs,"

Stephen Hawking

Theoretical Physicist,Cosmologist,and Author
 Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe ,or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century,basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.

Bill Gates 

Chairman Microsoft
Learning to write programs stretches your mind,and helps you think better,creates a way of thinking about things that I think are helpful in all domains.

