The following famous mathematicians,physicists ,chemist and computer scientist either played or studied chess in their life times:
following famous mathematicians,physicists ,chemist and computer scientist either played or studied chess
in their life times:
Charles Babbage (26 Dec 1791-18 October
1871),Fields:Mathematics,engineering,political economy, computer science-”Father
of Computer”
Albert Einstein (March 14,1879-April
18,1955)),Fields: Theoretical Physics,Photoelectric
effect,E-mc2,Theory of Brownian motion,Einstein field
relativity ,special
relativity and Unified field theory
Alan Turing (June 23,1912-7,June 1954),Fields:Mathematics,logician,crypt analyst and
computer scientist,-”Father of computer science”,Turing develops in
1953 one of the first chess programs whose calculations he performed for lack
of hardware itself.
John Von Neumann (December 28,1903-February
8,1957),Fieids:Mathematics,physics,statistics ,inventor,polymath and
polyglot-Arithmetic logic unit,Computer virus,Game theory,Lattice theory,quantum mechanics,geometry,functional
Isaac Asimov(October 4,1919-April 6,1992)Fields:Biochemistry,popular science,robotics,predicted:Google,Wikipedia,Facebook and
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