What is mathematics
A manipulative material
is an object(s) that can be handled by an individual in a sensory manner during
which process, conscious and unconscious thinking will be fostered.
Consequently, a
mathematics manipulative object(s) would lead to an awareness and development
of concepts and ideas linked with mathematics and they would most likely be purpose
members of the research team sought an all-embracing definition, but such a
definition eluded the.With careful consideration, it was decided that there are
tools (such as a calculator), teaching tools
(demonstration models) and teaching aids (fraction charts);
generally these were not considered as mathematics manipulative materials.
Within the general definition, structured and unstructured mathematics
manipulative materials were recognised. Needless to say, throughout the
education literature many definitions of mathematics manipulative materials
have been offered.
Why abacus
Abacus as a tool for development of
Child's Brain.!!
It is difficult to imagine counting without numbers, but there was a time when written numbers did not exist. The earliest counting device was the human hand and its fingers. Then, as larger quantities (larger than ten human-fingers could represent) were counted, various natural items like pebbles and twigs were used to help count. Merchants in those days not only needed a way to count goods they bought and sold, but also to calculate its costs. Until numbers were invented, counting devices were used to make everyday calculations. The abacus is one of many counting devices invented to help count large numbers.
It is difficult to imagine counting without numbers, but there was a time when written numbers did not exist. The earliest counting device was the human hand and its fingers. Then, as larger quantities (larger than ten human-fingers could represent) were counted, various natural items like pebbles and twigs were used to help count. Merchants in those days not only needed a way to count goods they bought and sold, but also to calculate its costs. Until numbers were invented, counting devices were used to make everyday calculations. The abacus is one of many counting devices invented to help count large numbers.
Mathematics Materials
The Ministry of Education
Science and Technology-Kenya (CEMASTEA & KICD),should make this powerful
tool available to schools to aid in numeracy levels in the country..
• looped (2, 3, 6 loops)
• three-prong (different styles but
same principle)
Attribute Blocks
and support materials
Beads & Threading Laces
Bead Frame (Counting frame)
and support materials such as
Clocks - variety; both digital and
Coloured rods (Cuisenaire)
Construction Materials
(ensure comprehensive collections
of a few varieties; eg. Knex,
Interstar, etc)
Counting materials
Cotton reels, cubes (variety),
popsticks, counting sticks
Cubes - 1 cm, 2 cm Wood or
plastic (See Unifix, Multilink
(Gain), Centicube, etc)
Dominoes - a variety of types
Fractions - a wide variety; eg.
fraction games & fraction cakes.
Fraction Kits - eg. Wainwright
Fraction Kits
Geoboard- 5 x 5, 10 x 10 pins
Geometric models
(solid) and hollow, such as, Power
Johnstone Number Line
MAB (Multibase Arithmetic
Blocks) or Base 10 blocks and a
variety of support material
Matrix Games ‘What’s in the
Square?’, ‘What Else is in the
Square?’ and similar products
Measurement Materials
Mira (Geoflector, Geo mirror)
Number Board (1-100) – variety
Pattern Blocks
Peg board and pegs
Puzzles: geometric, pentomino,
soma cube, tangram etc
• Kitchen scales, bathroom scales
• Balance Scales
• Pan Balance Spring
• Scales/Balance
Tessellation Pack
The Brick
Sorting Materials - farm animals,
dinosaurs, frogs, teddies etc.
Unifix cubes - (Constructo
cubes, Simfit, Stack cubes)
Unit Blocks (Project Blocks)
Welford Blocks
2D to 3D Shapes
Interlocking shapes create a net
which form a solid.
There is a large number of materials
in this genre.
Here are some examples:
Polydron, Lokko, Klikko, Clixi,
Geo Shapes and Mini
Geofix( a smaller version)
A Range of Games
Many schools have a wide variety of
games available, stored in both classrooms and storerooms. It is recommended
that students benefit from learning the skills of a few good games rather than
being introduced to a wide range.th
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