An offline version of Khan Academy

Khan Academy's core mission is to "provide a free world-class education for anyone anywhere", and as70% of the world's population is without access to the internet, primarily in the developing world, providing an alternative delivery mechanism for Khan Academy content is key to fulfilling this mission.
KA Lite
Installed in more than 160 countries,used by hundreds of organizations,and deployed in schools,orphanages,refugee camps ,community centers,and correctional facilities around the world.
KA Lite is an open-source Python/Django project created and maintained by the nonprofit Learning Equality that provides offline access to Khan Academy materials, for the 4.5 billion people around the world without Internet.
A free lightweight solution providing high quality education where you need it most.Bringing the power of online learning to the world.
KA Lite is an open –source Python project, meaning it is free to download and use .It runs on Linux,Mac and Windows.

Downloadable  Windows version link:


  1. A universal education means that anyone, anywhere-online or offline-access it.
    There are now more resources online than ever before for accessing high quality educational content for free in any subject.
    However,4.3 Billion are disconnected. This is the divide. The 60% of the world could benefit the most from this tremendous opportunity lack the connectivity needed to access it.


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